Thursday, March 30, 2006

For the DC/MD/VA "uurrrea" folks

I was on myspace and happened to look at a bulletin that my boyfriend's brother (Desmond) posted. Not sure if he came up with this himself, but I found it funny nonetheless.


BAMMA - a person who is not very trendy, whether it be fashion or music: "Ugh! Look at his shape-up...and his beat-up Pro Wings. He’s such a bamma"

BLOWN - very upset/disappointed

BOOSTED - to be excited, proud: "He was so boosted when he found out he got an A on his history test"

BUN - v. to make one a steady girl/boyfriend: "She’s the complete package; looks, smarts and she cool to be around. I had to bun her" n. a pretty girl/boy: "I was looking at your sister yesterday, and I didn’t realize but, she’s a bun"

CARRY - to disrespect someone: "Jimmy tried to holla at Crystal, but she carried him by walking away"

CHILL MODE - calm, collected: "After school, I just be in chill mode, dawg"

CRUSH - to consume speedily or with vigor; or to defeat handily (see PUNISH): "Those Steakums were bomb, man we crushed them joints"

GET YOUR MAN - have success, whether with a girl or in sports. Refers to competitive situations: "Ima get my man today. We gonna punish Suitland"

GUMP - a nerd and/or wimp: "I dared him to touch her butt, but he a gump"

JAH, JI -kinda/sorta or very, depending on emphasis: "She is jah phat though"

JONING - making fun of another person: "Did u see that dudes shape-up? They was joning at the lunch table all period"

KIRK (v. to KIRK OUT) - to get very mad, or excited beyond ones normal range: "If the teacher wasn’t there, he woulda kirked on that dude"

LUNCHING - joking around, acting foolishly: "During my free periods, we just be walking around or straight lunching, cuz we be bored"

PRESSED - to be annoying, conceited: "He was so pressed to show everyone he got an A; he gets on my nerves"

SHORT - unfortunate: "I cant give u a ride, young. Either ask Chris or you short"

SICE - to over exaggerate: "Tamika not even that tight Isaac Ji Siced her.

SLUMP- to knock down and/or out with extreme force.

SON-SON - same as "dawg" and "dogg", but normally referring to someone younger in age: "Young, don’t talk about Jason. That’s my son-son"

STEAL - to punch, assault someone: "Young, if u don’t get out my face, Ima steal u slam in ur jaw"

BUDDA-FACE - A woman or man who is only attractive from the neck down. “Yeah she phat; but she a budda-face…u know everything looks good “but her face”

I thought these were kind of funny b/c they definitely talk like this. And since I've been living here I've caught myself using a few of these terms. But I need to add another one that I thought of

BOO LIKE SHIT - I don't know what the hell it means...example that my friend Kiya says all the time: "Thats my boo like shit"

LMAO...I just thought I'd share this information for anyone who cares. Add on to the list if you can think of any others...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Where are they now?????

Oh my I know everybody and their baby cuzzzin has seen and loved "The Jackson: An American Dream". Some of you probably even know all the words. "I'm goin to Kansas City....Kansas City here I come...WHOOO". Dont act like you don't know what I'm talking about :)

Well I always thought Jason Weaver "lil Mike" was a cutie. Even when I saw him in Drumline. But damn, time has not been on his side. He is looking like an old ass man lately and it's not a good look. And what the hell does he have on? Is it just me or does his girl kind of remind you of Jade from Top Model? And his kid reminds me of Emmanuelle Lewis. Cute family, I guess...

Remember that kid Sammie that used to sing...well, I really don't know what he used to sing, but I remember him on that song "Hardball" with Lil bow wow. Well, Sammie is all grown up now and rumor is, he is dating Teairra Mari. How random is that????? He's looking kind of cute though. Still has a baby face though...

Remember Jurnee Smollet from Eve's Bayou...well she is looking really cute these days. I always thought she was a cute little girl though

Last one...

Now here are some random pictures that I found on Gettyimages

Big Boi and wife

Trey Songz and Young Jeezy (look at that doo rag and look at Jeezy's cone head)

Monica and her fiancee (she got some long ass feet)

This is for my friend Kiya....LMAO!!!!

Ohhh...and before I sign off, let me leave you with some words of wisdom

Learn it, Live it, Love it (you stank cooch biatches)!!!! I'm out

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cold Shit

Why does everyone wanna be a rapper nowadays? I mean, it's not enough to be a basketball star, actor, circus clown, now you have to add the title of "rap extraordinaire" or "lyricist" to your resume. And half of these people sound a damn mess...or excuse the words of the "Oh So Great" Rekiya, COLD SHIT

I mean, who told these 30+ year olds that rapping is their calling. I can count on my fingers and yours, how many people that I have heard (at my aunts age) still talking about they have a demo out. WHAT!!! A're like 90 years too late. First of all, I'm not buying a cd of someone who is damn near retirment age. What do we possibly have in common? And please don't try to rap about how you was "slangin them thangs" in the hood. Yeah, yeah, yeah....I'm so tired of hearing that. Although Kanye makes my skin crawl, at least he admits the fact that he was brought up in an middle class family where education and employment (legal) was important. He doesn't have to claim he's from the hood to get respect. That's more than I can say for some of these cold shit ass rappers.

For friend told me of a guy she used to date that was trying to get his rap career off the ground. But there's one problem...he sounds like COLD SHIT. I've heard her countless times telling me about how awful he sounds. Then she tells me the other day that he said he's coming out w/ a video. WHAT!! A video?!?! Now come on guys, some of you know that you sound terrible. Stop holding on to that dream...let it go hon!

(Sidebar: Ohhh...I just thought of someone that is a cold shit rapper. That self proclaimed "video chick" Gloria Velez has a cd out. WHAT!! I've heard some snippets and it's definitely some cold shit)

Funny thing though, these rappers are the first ones to wanna battle someone. Sit ur ass down please!! Noone wants to hear that mess and you're flooding my radio w/ a bunch of nonsense

Friday, March 24, 2006


She's been everywhere lately. Seriously....I'm so tired of seeing her. She's about as bad as Amoroacha. Every time I turn the tv on..Shar. Everytime I turn on my radio...Shar. Its past the point of aggravation now. She just urks me and I don't know why. Could it be that she is milking the hell out of this "Whoa is me" breakup between her and Federloser. Or maybe its the fact that she talked smack about Brit, then tried to be Brit's friend, then talked smack about her again. Or maybe its the fact that she is riding on Britneys coattails ever since her and Kevin's marriage. If it wasn't for Britney (and trust me I dont like her either) Kevin and Shar would be that couple you see at Food Lion w/ the minivan of kids, driving off into the sunset to their doublewide. Shar is no better than Brit if you ask me. She's trifling, looks a mess pregnant and w/out being pregnant, she can't sing, she likes white boys, and she's just an all around mess. Did I mention trifling? Now, it's been rumored that Shar is now dating Brits ex husband (48 hour marriage) Jason Alexander. How tacky is that. Going tit for tat is so high school. I'm not understanding why her 5 minutes of fame is not up yet. And why is she at every party in Hollywood? Doesn't she have like 4 kids at home? And who told her she can sing? Ugghhh...please make her go away

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Workplace violence

Don't you hate it when people congregate around your desk talking? That pisses me off so bad. No matter if I have a cubicle or my desk is out in the open, it seems like people like to get all around my desk and talk about their boring ass lives w/ their bad ass children that ran away from home, or about their summer home in Naples, etc. News Flash: I don't give a damn!! Please scurry away from my desk b/c I am trying to make a personal call and surf the web and you all up in my ish! Thank You

Seriously should see the looks I give them. I don't have a cube anymore so my desk is kind of out in the open. But it's in the cut so I'm not understanding how these people just find me. I swear they leave breadcrumbs just to find their way back to bother me. And then...UGGHHH....I HATE when I'm away from my desk and I come back and see someone is using my phone or if I'm sitting at my desk and they come and use my stapler or anything else off my desk. Buy your own supplies trick!!! I don't come over to your desk invading your space, picking up shit. Please don't touch my stuff. I don't give a damn if the company paid for it, I ordered it. Therefore it's mine!!! Then I hate it that just b/c I am in an open space, people think I am the whole company's receptionist or something, coming up to me asking me where people's offices are or what their numbers are. You know me being me, I could easily just look it up for them to be nice, but hell, I aint getting paid to do that. I am not their receptionist, I don't know where they sit, I don't know their number. Shit, I don't even know who they are. You shouldn't have left YOUR office without that information.

But you know what bothers me about work environments the most? When I walk in the bathroom and see that there are people in a stall, I go in and use the bathroom, while I'm in the stall I hear the other person flush the toilet, and then.....i don't hear no damn water! You should see me peek through that think slit in the stall to see who the trifling individual is that just wiped their nasty stank cooch and didn't bother to disenfect it w/ some damn soap and water. I do this so I know not to ever shake their hands, or even breath on me for fear of mono or something.

One more thing I hate that piggybacks on the washing hands thing. If I don't get first dibs on food at an office gathering, I don't want none. I am not eating after them folks. I hate to be racial about it, but its usually those white women I've spotted in the bathroom leaving out w/out washing their hands, and then you want to stick your fingers in a bowl of chips. day I was sitting at my desk and they were having a conference in the conference room across from me. They put the table of food outside of the room so I grabbed a couple things before anyone else (mind you, I'm not even involved in the meeting). Once people in the meeting got word of food, they came out. This one guy in question stuck his fat nasty sausage hand in the platter of sandwich meat and picked some up (with utensils AND plates sitting right in his face) and proceeded to eat the meat overtop of the platter. I couldn't believe. I actually made a face and an EWWW noise when he did it. Not sure if he heard me or not, but trust me I didn't care. This this lady comes out and picks up a roll, decides she doesn't want that one, puts it back and picks up another. You couldnt pay me to eat anything off that platter.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Thanks to those lovely Devastating Divas of DST (Dena, Kimmikins, and Ms. Shana Devae), as well as my lovely friend Kaeana, for all your advice on my dilemna. You guys are the best!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Ugggghhhh...I just really can't stand Jade. She bothers the hell out of me. Who told her she was queen Sheeba? And who told her that her "transformation" was so dramatic. I mean, she only cut her hair and got a little color. Get over yourself!! And is it just me, or does she look old in the face? By the way...Furonda is not cute. She needs to get something done to that face b/c it looks a little bumpy. I wonder why that hasn't been an issue so far. And who told her she was cute after she got that weave. Granted, I do always think I'm fly-i-i-i-i-i-i after I get my wig done, but it wasn't even like she got anything done to it. They just stuck some weave in her head and sent her about her way. They couldn't even cut and style it. She just looks so plain. Molli Sue had the best hairdo. Her haircut looked so stylish on her. ANTM was a little boring this week. Besides the fact that Jade and Wendy/Furonda got into it, I could have done without it.

More from me later. Gotta go chow down now....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Laugh for the day

For anyone who has nothing to do at work and wants a "throwback" laugh, here you go. I was dying

" height="350" width="425">'>http://

Monday, March 13, 2006

Slow day

I don't have much to blog about today. At least not pictures to talk about. But I will ask a few questions that maybe one of you guys can give me the answer to

1. Why do guys try to talk to you when they have stank breath?
2. And what makes them think they are even on your level?
3. Don't they smell their lip and see it smells like tainted garbage?
4 Why do DC girls wear rainboots in the summer?
4. And why do they have to be every color of the rainbow?
6 Why do some girls have sex while on their period?
7 Don't they know that is just disgusting?
8 Why is everybody and their grandma pregnatnt?
9 Is it in the water, cause if so, I'll pass?
10Why is Meron always getting gansta with waiters?
11. Why am I sitting at work today and haven't done a damn thing? Just waisting company money.
12. Tell me why my neighbor blasts reggaeton "Gasolina" on repeat?
13. Why does my friend have a new boyfriend that is pressed for a restaurant that he's never been to
14. And why do I think he is 007 or a part of the CIA? Does he live a double life?

Okay, this post is short. I'm tired. And I'm out of here in 10 holla at you later

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Glued to the Screen

Wheewwwww....last night was an overdose of reality television for me. OH MY GOSH!!!! It was entertaining.

First of all, I was so excited about ANTM season beginning. I mean, I already submitted my availability for my pt job to take off Wednesday's so that I won't miss it (is that pressed?) LMAO...But I can say that they didn't dissapoint me last night. Tyra is a genius! Okay, so last night I watched the 2 hour season premiere and I have totally different opinions then when I first posted about the show. For example, I no longer like Jade. Though she is a very pretty girl, she has a stank attitude and its not likeable at all. She annoyed me the whole show. I was just waiting for her to get kicked off. I thought Tyra would have shut her down like she did Eva on the tryouts of her season, but she didn't say anything. Jade just kept going on and on about how she was so great and so beautiful and how when she walks down the street people look at her and say how gorgeous she is. Truth be told, she's not all that beautiful...and I'm not hating. She is pretty and has something edgy and exotic about her look, but she's not gorgeous. Honestly, Nicole (winner from last season) looks more like a model than she does. So as of right now, I'm counting down the days until some white girl spits in her face (Pumpkin) or somebody bombs her out one time really good and shuts her down.

I will tell you that I am on "TEAM NNENNA". She is so regal and beautiful. She has the prettiest complexion and skin. Wow!!! And she is so humble and is not catty (yet) like the rest of the girls seem to be. She is the soft spoken one of the group. Hopefully she'll prove to be the silent killer.

Furonda was funny looking (they actually said she looked like a preying mantis) but she had a SICK body. It was definitely a model body. In black girl standards though, she was bony as hell. She didn't have no butt, hips, nothing. But thats what the modeling world loves.

So in the end Kathy got eliminated and I thought that was a good choice. She didn't look like she was going to bring anything to the table. OHHHH....was it just me, or did Danielle remind anyone of Tocarra a little? Maybe not in this pic, but her attitude and something about her just reminded me of her

But my pics as of now are Nnenna and the white girl Sara.

At 10pm I was going to watch my other fav show "Project Runway" finale, but instead I opted to watch the new show "Black/White" on FX. But I heard that Chloe won. YAYYYYYY!!!! I honestly thought It was going to be between Santino and Daniel, but I think Chloe's line was so nice

So the show "Black/White" was very interesting. I really wanted to see how they were going to pull off looking like another race without anyone noticing. And in my opinion, none of them really looked like the other race except for the white daughter. Everyone else just looked stupid. Check it out:

So looking at these pictures its not looking believable. But watching the show really let me know one thing......white people want to say the word "Nigger" really bad. I mean, the white guy on the show couldn't WAIT to get in black face and say Nigger this and Nigger that. I cringed every time b/c I know it had to make the black family feel very uncomfortable. I really see the white family getting a little more out of this project because black people have to adapt to white America every day. Its not like they don't know that they get called "niggers" behind their back, that they get passed over for jobs bc of the color of their skin, that they are just discriminated against on a daily basis. But all in all, this would be interesting to be a fly on the wall. I know for a fact that I don't want to hear what white people say about me behind my back. B/c if I was in the room with them and they said the things that they said last night, I would instinctly get upset and uncomfortable and blow my disguise...LOL

I can't wait to watch the rest of the season.

Kiddie Stars

I found these pics online and thought they were too cute. Tell me if you can recognize who they are supposed to be

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I saw these pictures on Angel's page and I was SHOCKED. Since when?!?!?!? Am I the last to know. I thought she was dating some football player. OHHHHH...this is why I love Black Hollywood. They suprise you every time

I actually think they are cute together.

Monday, March 06, 2006

So many events, so little time

Well, hope you guys had a nice weekend. Mine was quite productive...

Okay...Lets start off with the Soul train awards that were held recently...

Keyshia Cole is looking better than she usually looks is all I can say. I like her shoes.

What in the hot hell is going on here?!?!? Charlie Wilson needs to give it up. His career ended in 1970. I mean really, most of his fan base probably died 20 years ago.

OMG!!! Is that Floetry. Ol' girl (the flowicist one) is looking smaller than usual. She lost hella weight. Damn...she on that Kanye Workout plan!!! But now her head looks too big for her body

She just doesn't learn. What the hell she got on? PLEASE GO AWAY SHAR!! I hate her!! What is her purpose in life, please tell me?

After seeing Shar, I needed a little eye medicine......HE'S SO DREAMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Him and Vivica Fox were the hosts.

Her tattoos look so ghetto. And look at her headband...I think I wore one of those in the 8th grade.

I don't like John Legend's style. Its just too gay for me...OHHHHH....I just realized who he looks like in this picture. I don't know if you guys will agree, but he reminds me of gay Nick from "Project Runway" on the episode where they had to design for one another. And remember Chloe made Nick a suit reminiscent of this one.

Now if she could only keep up this look. She looks great. Much better than the poodle shag

Then this weekened I caught the Academy Awards which I only watched to catch 3-6 perform. I will be the first to admit that I went into watching the show with reservations because I wasn't sure what to expect. I was just praying they didn't get up there and do a 50 cent number and start cursing like sailors. But I was suprised and found myself really excited for them. But what I wasn't ready for was so many people post show (black folks) and their comments on the win. Why is everyone in an uproar that they won. SO WHAT!!! The pimp song went with the pimp movie. And it kills me that everyone is throwing out there black people like Halle and Denzel only won for negative roles. What about Jaime Foxx and his portrayal of Ray? Was that so negative? To be honest, blacks are just never satisfied. If Halle and Denzel would have lost the Oscar to a white actor/actress, better believe blacks would be screaming that the Academy is racist. I'm happy for 3-6....and thats my opinon. If you don't like it, in the words of Dave Chappelle "Tough Break Nigga"

Here are some of the Red Carpet arrivals

I can't hate on JLo...she was looking fierce on the Red Carpet. If only she could get rid of that scary looking husband

I found this picture of Serena and Venus, and I'll let you come to your own conclusions who or what they look like


Oh, I forgot to post that Camron is coming out with a new diss record about Jay and he has a video for this one. When I first heard about the video, I didn't find anything funny about it. But after seeing who he got to play Jay and Bee, I was dying

Jimmie "JJ" Walker

Some random chick

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Look at thats comedy!!!

Last but not least...Ms Diana really needs to get to the dentist