Friday, March 24, 2006


She's been everywhere lately. Seriously....I'm so tired of seeing her. She's about as bad as Amoroacha. Every time I turn the tv on..Shar. Everytime I turn on my radio...Shar. Its past the point of aggravation now. She just urks me and I don't know why. Could it be that she is milking the hell out of this "Whoa is me" breakup between her and Federloser. Or maybe its the fact that she talked smack about Brit, then tried to be Brit's friend, then talked smack about her again. Or maybe its the fact that she is riding on Britneys coattails ever since her and Kevin's marriage. If it wasn't for Britney (and trust me I dont like her either) Kevin and Shar would be that couple you see at Food Lion w/ the minivan of kids, driving off into the sunset to their doublewide. Shar is no better than Brit if you ask me. She's trifling, looks a mess pregnant and w/out being pregnant, she can't sing, she likes white boys, and she's just an all around mess. Did I mention trifling? Now, it's been rumored that Shar is now dating Brits ex husband (48 hour marriage) Jason Alexander. How tacky is that. Going tit for tat is so high school. I'm not understanding why her 5 minutes of fame is not up yet. And why is she at every party in Hollywood? Doesn't she have like 4 kids at home? And who told her she can sing? Ugghhh...please make her go away


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