Invading people's space
How about there is a conference room not far from my desk that has been reserved for a certain group/division that is working on a proposal. They have been in there almost every day for about 5 months (it seems like). Well, my problem with them is that they don't respect peoples privacy and space. First off, they come out of the conference room and talk on their cell phones by my desk (on Nextel you KNOW it's loud). Or they are in the conference room on a conference call with the door open (that annoys me) and I can't even hear myself think. I've been known to go shut the door many times. And there is a desk right across from me that is meant for new hires to sit at when i'm training them. we usually have them like every monday but lately we haven't had as many. there is also an office beside me that is reserved for that as well. Well, I specifically put a sign on all the terminals stating that it was a new hire desk and to contact me if they needed to use the terminal. How about the past month there has been someone sitting at the desk across from me. Granted, we hadn't had any new hires, but I don't give a damn. Didn't you see that sign on the terminal? I don't have no voicemail or email in my inbox from you asking me could you use it. It pisses me the hell off. And lord forbid when they sit across from me b/c then I wouldn't get anywork done. What with them talking loud, congregating around my desk having mini meetings when they have a conference room, and coughing and sneezing spreading their funk a$$ germs everywhere. As I'm typing this, this a$$hole (which I will tell you about in a sec) is having a meeting right beside my desk like he doesn't see me sitting here. I'm sitting at my desk. My director's office is right by mine. So I can see him walk in and out. I'm sitting here and his door is open. This guy walks out of the conference room talking on his cell phone. He obviously can't really hear them, so he's trying to find a place to hear or somewhere his phone won't lose service. So he looks in my directors office. I spotted him doing it, but for a second i just thought he was looking for my boss. Then he walks IN the office and proceeds to shut the door. ERRRRRRRR...EXCUSE ME. I jump up and go open the door and tell him that he has to go and that he can't just walk in someone's office and close the door. WTF??? My boss is a director of a major program. He has confidential and proprietory information in his office. Plus, IT'S HIS OFFICE. You just don't go in someone's office and close their door. I should have let my boss catch him in there so he could go off. But I handled it.
But thats just the type of BS I have to put up with with these pricks here.
That is too funny! Hahahaha! You should have just let your boss find them in there.
ouuu! not went in your bosses office and closed the door though! that's disrespect!
this is bonita by the way!
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