Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Gay marriages

So you guys know I don't get political on this blog. I find that once you start talking about a subject, people start coming out of the woodworks to criticize your opionions, beliefs, and its just annoying. I understand everyone has their own opionions and not everyone is going to agree, but I choose to just listen to mine!!

That being said, I just couldn't let this gay marriage issue slip past my radar. What kind of fool's does Bush take us for. He obviously thinks we are total idiots. Who couldn't see that he is using this issue to divert people from the fact that he is screwing up big time. Does he think we will just forget about the hundreds of soldiers who have died? Does he think that we will forget about how messed up the economy is now that he is in office? Does he think that we forgot about Katrina? So what, gay people want to get married and have children. Do they not deserve to be happy? Do they not deserve to live a normal life in this so-called "land of the free"? Do they not deserve to be considered equal?

Now I know I'm going to get some backfire about this from conservatives, but what is the issue with gay's adopting kids? Is it that we "America" are scared of them being pedophiles, rapists, sodomist's? Are we afraid that our "Generation Next" is going to all turn out to be homosexual? Being heterosexual is not the equivalent of good parenting. Just look at all these stories of mothers beating children, throwing them in the trash (heard about one this morning), fathers killing babies, adults raping 10 year old girls, welfare families, women who refuse to work and use my hard earned tax money to go to the club, black-on-black violence committed by our youth, all of the youth we have in jail? Were they all raised by a homosexual? I think not

So I just think that the issue here is, "you got to blame someone". Why don't we just blame gays for Vietnam, The Great Depression, War in Iraq, Baby Boom, Racism/Slavery.

This is why I Love America!!


At 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blame the gays!!!

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here, Hater! Here frickin' here! I agree. :)


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