Ugggghhhh...I just really can't stand Jade. She bothers the hell out of me. Who told her she was queen Sheeba? And who told her that her "transformation" was so dramatic. I mean, she only cut her hair and got a little color. Get over yourself!! And is it just me, or does she look old in the face? By the way...Furonda is not cute. She needs to get something done to that face b/c it looks a little bumpy. I wonder why that hasn't been an issue so far. And who told her she was cute after she got that weave. Granted, I do always think I'm fly-i-i-i-i-i-i after I get my wig done, but it wasn't even like she got anything done to it. They just stuck some weave in her head and sent her about her way. They couldn't even cut and style it. She just looks so plain. Molli Sue had the best hairdo. Her haircut looked so stylish on her. ANTM was a little boring this week. Besides the fact that Jade and Wendy/Furonda got into it, I could have done without it.
More from me later. Gotta go chow down now....
Furonda just needs to go. She's costing them WAY too much in the airbrushing department.
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