Friday, May 26, 2006

Am I really a b****?

As I've told you guys before, I train new hires when they come onto my program at work. They usually stay with me about 2 days depending on if they get everything done that needs to be done. Well, there is this new guy that started on Monday. He started along with 2 other people. He's a white guy but he seems very nice. But when I took them out for lunch I noticed that he talked alot and just wouldn't shut up. And he will talk about random things at that. Stuff that I didn't even ask him. It's just annoying. And then I hate it when I'm trying to train someone and they are jumping ahead of me trying to be so fast. Thats how you miss important details and information. He's that type of dude. He had an IT job before so he seems like the type that thinks he knows everything. So as I'm training him, he's trying to tell me what I need to do. I'm looking at him like, "Nigga please". And then he keeps coming to my desk trying to spark a conversation and talk to me. I act like I'm so engrossed in my work that I can't even look up. And then he kept asking me all these damn questions. I think a couple times I must have sighed real heavy b/c at one point he said, "I'm sorry to bother you so much". Well dammit if you're sorry, then leave me the hell alone!!! Then this morning I just got in and sat at my desk and he's coming to my desk first thing trying to talk. Look, I just got in, I haven't even taken a sip of my French Vanilla Capp, and I don't feel like talking. DAMN!!! Then he goes back to his desk and 5 minutes later he's sending me email pictures (like a million of them) of his kids and his family. WTF?!?!? I don't even know you dawg. Why in the hell would I need some pics of your family. Stop clogging my inbox! UGGGGHHHH.... I know he means well, but damn...please leave me alone.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Quick post of American Idol

I'm not going to go into detail right now, but I just wanted to share a few quick thoughts on the American Idol Finale last night

1. I know I'm going to get some complaints from "you know who", but Mary J. Blige pissed me off to the maximum capacity last night. The way she came out to sing with Elliott and TOOK OVER THE DAMN SONG like she was giving a concert where she was the headliner. I wanted to take my remote, throw it THRU the tv screen, and hoped that it hit her in her damn eyeball. I mean, she practically had Elliott shivering in the corner. Trick, it's not all about you!! This is American Idol. And she looked stupid with those glasses on, that long "party-n-go" ponytail, and those stripper platform shoes. UGGHHH....

2. WTF was Toni Braxton singing? I couldn't hear one word she sayed with all that mumbling and baritone voice. Taylor was singing higher than she was. I started to wonder if she was even singing at all, or was she just there as eye candy? She did look good though

Okay...I'll get to more about the show later.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Random pictures

I was fishing around on Crunk & Disorderly and Concrete Loop and I happened to find some pictures that disturbed me deeply.

Exhibit A: Khia

What in the hell is this mess? She just looks like you can smell her rank coochie from the screen. And what does she have on? I'm not understanding at all. And I know that girls wear jeans and stuff that now show their butt crack (Dominic gets on me all the time about mine) but somehow, I'm getting the feeling that this is one buttcrack that people don't want to see. Like I can deal with Serena's buttcrack more than this one. Yuck!!!! And it just is so flabby and ewww. And did you catch the stretch marks. OMG!!!!! She could have at least covered those bad boys up.

Exhibit B: Dame Dash

Is he being for real with these glasses. I mean, I hope its just a cruel joke and we are being Punk'd b/c those glasses are hideous. He is definitely not getting his grown and sexy on right now.

Exhibit C: Ciara

Is it just me, or does Ciara remind anyone of Wanda Sykes. I mean, it looks like it could be her daughter. On another note, Ciara is looking really nice these days. I'm feeling the dark hair on her. Much better. Although I still think she is by far the worst singer in the world.

Exhibit D: Big Gipp
Who knew that under all that platinum and gold, he really has nice teeth? He still looks like curious George though.

Exhibit E: Skateboard P

Something about his face is not right in this picture. Its his lips. Why do they look like he had those lip injections or some isht. Either that, or he got busted in the mouth, or they're chapped then a mutha. But I'm not feeling it. On the other hand, did anybody see him in Mariah's new video? DAMN!!!! That nigga was looking good. I was drooling.

Thats enough of my rants.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Invading people's space

How about there is a conference room not far from my desk that has been reserved for a certain group/division that is working on a proposal. They have been in there almost every day for about 5 months (it seems like). Well, my problem with them is that they don't respect peoples privacy and space. First off, they come out of the conference room and talk on their cell phones by my desk (on Nextel you KNOW it's loud). Or they are in the conference room on a conference call with the door open (that annoys me) and I can't even hear myself think. I've been known to go shut the door many times. And there is a desk right across from me that is meant for new hires to sit at when i'm training them. we usually have them like every monday but lately we haven't had as many. there is also an office beside me that is reserved for that as well. Well, I specifically put a sign on all the terminals stating that it was a new hire desk and to contact me if they needed to use the terminal. How about the past month there has been someone sitting at the desk across from me. Granted, we hadn't had any new hires, but I don't give a damn. Didn't you see that sign on the terminal? I don't have no voicemail or email in my inbox from you asking me could you use it. It pisses me the hell off. And lord forbid when they sit across from me b/c then I wouldn't get anywork done. What with them talking loud, congregating around my desk having mini meetings when they have a conference room, and coughing and sneezing spreading their funk a$$ germs everywhere. As I'm typing this, this a$$hole (which I will tell you about in a sec) is having a meeting right beside my desk like he doesn't see me sitting here. I'm sitting at my desk. My director's office is right by mine. So I can see him walk in and out. I'm sitting here and his door is open. This guy walks out of the conference room talking on his cell phone. He obviously can't really hear them, so he's trying to find a place to hear or somewhere his phone won't lose service. So he looks in my directors office. I spotted him doing it, but for a second i just thought he was looking for my boss. Then he walks IN the office and proceeds to shut the door. ERRRRRRRR...EXCUSE ME. I jump up and go open the door and tell him that he has to go and that he can't just walk in someone's office and close the door. WTF??? My boss is a director of a major program. He has confidential and proprietory information in his office. Plus, IT'S HIS OFFICE. You just don't go in someone's office and close their door. I should have let my boss catch him in there so he could go off. But I handled it.

But thats just the type of BS I have to put up with with these pricks here.

Britney Spears

I'll be the first to admit I'm not a Britney Spears fan. I actually think she's dirty and can't sing. She's a that I've vented. I think people are being a little hard on her. I do think that she was DEAD WRONG for carrying the baby in her lap while driving (what kind of mother does ish like that) and she has made a few mistakes that are to be scrutinized. But she's under the watchful eye of the world. Everyone's bound to make mistakes as mothers. Just look at the many mothers that leave their child in the bathtub for a split second. But the key word is MISTAKES. She's a first time mother and she's not perfect. I don't know how i would handle things if I were in her situation. I mean she can't even walk down the street without a million people taking pictures and videotaping her every move. Basically just waiting for her to make a mistake so it can be on the front page of the news. I honestly think people are blowing this tripping situation overboard. I've tripped a million and one times. I'm just that clumsy. I mean, come on...they made the girl so flustered that she tripped on her heel. And they made her feel bad about it b/c she knew it was going to cause a commotion and people talking about she is a bad mother. Just look at these tears. I felt like crying for her

Nobody is a perfect mother starting off. As a matter of fact, there is no perfect mother. So I will hold off my judgement of Britney and her mothering skills b/c I will never know how she feels. And why she does the things that she does.

Monday, May 22, 2006

My weekend

As most of you know I made my way to Chesapeake this weekend with Dominic in tow. We left at around 9ish Saturday morning and the drive down was not as bad as I thought it would be. We made it in good time. When we got there we headed to my aunt's house to chill out for awhile. I get to the door and my aunt gives Dominic a hug and forgets all about me..WTF!! But we get inside and I show Dom around and he makes himself at home. Meanwhile my aunt is chatting with him and making sure he's comfortable. Our plan was to take my aunt out for dinner later, but it was about 12:30 then so we decided that we were going to go grab some fried crabs. Actually, I've been talking about these fried crabs for about a year now. I couldn't wait to get home, drop off my stuff, and make a run to Eddie's. So Dom and I head out to get some crabs and make a stop at Big Lots on the way for my aunt. BTW...Dominic was dumbfounded on what the heck a "Big Lots" was. So then we get to Eddies' and I'm trying to explain to him what a fried crab is and that they come in pairs which equals one crab. We ended up getting like 8 crabs=16 crabs, and a dozen steamed crabs. They smelled yummy!!! We got home and devoured the crabs. Dom was in crab heaven. He immediately fell in love with fried crabs and suggested that we find a place in MD that serves them. I told him that I didn't think there were any b/c nobody from MD/DC knows what I'm talking about when I say fried hard crab. Then he starts talking about there has to be somewhere with the fried crabs and if not he wants to open up a spot (don't mind him guys, he's a fried crab virgin and you know how they are after they get a little taste...they are sprung).

After eating we chilled out, had a drink or two (me and my aunt) and watched a little tv. Then we decided to go visit Trina and my niece. We get there and Tiana is acting all shy like she's never seen a man before. Then she pulls me to the side and says, Aunt that your boyfriend?" I said yeah and she said "Oh, are yall getting married?" "He live with you?" (she asks alot of questions...very inquisitive...or maybe it's nosy). So Dom is playing with the baby (Tavon) and he is strangely being very quiet. Tavon is usually crying out his lungs when I hold him. So Dom is just holding and playing with him. Thought that was cute.

Then we make a stop at my sister's house and visit her and the kids. She makes us watch home footage that she shot with her video camera (LORD). It was of the kids at random times and at Christmas with Jay trying to open his presents. That was hilarious. He was so neat with the wrapping paper. Each time he tore some off he had to go make a trash run to throw it away. Needless to say it took him forever and my sister and his father had to speed up the process. After being over there for awhile we, along with my sister and the baby, made our way back to my aunts house.

By this time it's almost 8:30 and we figured we needed to head on out for dinner. But my aunt was not ready so she said she would just cook instead. Two of her friends came over and then Kristin and her daughter came over. Oh my gosh...she just learned to walk so she was walking EVERYWHERE. It was too cute. And I didn't think I had to say this, but Girls Rule!! We are so much faster than guys as far as growth. My nephew and Brittany (Kristins daughter) are about 2 weeks apart, my nephew being older, and he still can't walk. He stands up by won't walk. Meanwhile, she is a mover and shaker!! She was walking circles around him. But I think she likes him b/c she kept smacking him in the back of the head and trying to dig up his nose...LOL. So my cousin Nicole comes over and my brother and his girlfriend Lenita (who by the way is much prettier than I thought). My aunt fried fish, shrimp, made cornbread muffins, and homestyle potatoes with peppers...and can't forget the MARGARITAS. We all ate and talked mess when we got in a very heated discussion (feeling like a family reunion). And you know since people had been drinking there were some out of the way comments made which only added to the comedy show I call my family. People didn't leave until around 12:00 and then Dom and I got ready for bed. He slept in the guest room and I slept with my aunt. We woke up early Sunday morning (b/c I had to be back in MD to be somewhere by 3:00). My aunt cooks us breakfast and says her goodbye's.

Then we're off. They whole way home we are trippin out on our weekend and my family. We literally talked the whole way. We get on the road by 10:00 and we are home by 1:00. Take a quick nap then get ready for my meeting (don't want to talk about it...LMAO). He drops me off and then comes to pick me back up. We head to the grocery store, get home he cooks dinner, and we watch the Sopranos.

So thats my weekend in a nutshell (a very looooong nutshell). I had a blast and I'm sure Dominic did as well. I don't think he thought he would have as much fun as he did. My family loves him. By the end of the night he was an honorary member of the family. He even got in a family discussion about the brother and his girlfriend, and Trina. hopefully we can do it again.

Friday, May 19, 2006

New favorite book

I was browsing through Barnes and Nobles last week and saw that Eric Jerome Dickey had a new book out. I picked it up b/c I liked the cover and the summary of the book seemed interesting. If anything, it would give me something to read on my lunch breaks. I started reading this book yesterday and I CAN NOT PUT IT DOWN. It is soooooo goood. I recommend for anyone to pick up a copy of this book.

Eight-time New York Times bestselling author Eric Jerome Dickey's new novel is filled with intrigue, speed, and sex appeal. And an unforgettable female narrator rides her sexy yellow motorcycle right through it all.
Billie (aka "Ducati") is known as much for her extraordinary beauty as for the sexy yellow motorcycle she rides through the mean streets of Los Angeles. Tough, talented, and self-assured, Billie's used to doing things her way-but that was before love threw an oil slick in the road and spun her life into chaos.

Billie's first problem is simple: she's pregnant.
Her second problem is that her lover, Keith, is still married.

Keith has some "things" to deal with, and the people in his life are dark and duplicitous enough to take matters into their own hands, determined to keep Billie from having her baby. Billie suddenly finds herself confronted, attacked, run off highways, threatened and shadowed. Keith still has ties to his manipulative wife, Carmen, and he adores his fifteen-year-old daughter Destiny. Will he do the right thing by his new family, or stand by his old one?

Soon all eyes shift as everyone finds themselves desperately chasing Destiny, a troubled and deceptive girl dancing on the edge of womanhood. When the rubber meets the road, everyone's fighting dirty for what they want...and they're all willing to destroy their enemy or go down in flames to get it.

Friday is finally here. Never wanted to see the weekend so badly until this week. I'm so over this whole week. It's been stressful and I've been evil and wicked all week at work. People say hi to me as they pass, I barely speak. I put my head down to avoid the conversation and smile. People ask me questions or spark conversation, I act like my voice is gone to stick to a minimal dialogue. People make jokes, I give them a "WTF" look and a fake smile. Its just been a bad week for me. I'm glad it's finally over. I'm hoping next week will make me a little less grumpy and a little more cheerful. I'm sure that will help my productivity at work.

So how about I was at work yesterday (Gap) and this lady came in the store and was browsing around. This by the way was in Baby Gap, thats the only place I like to work. So she's looking around and picking up stuff for about a good 45 minutes. I'm not really paying much mind to her, I'm just letting her shop b/c I know how it is when you are in serious shopping mode. So she finally makes it to the cashwrap with a million clothes (btw...she's a black woman) and i start to ring her up and put the clothes in the bag. so i ask her did she have a gap card b/c she could save 15% if she opened one. She said she already had one but she left it home and asked could i look it up by her social. I did, and she realized that they upped her card like $300. So she's happy and i continue ringing. Then my boss (the one I call "Massa") looks over and tells me to hold off on bagging the clothes (they usually do this when they feel someone is stealing). So he comes over and starts checking the bags counting everything making sure everything is accounted for and that i rung up everything. Then it hit me that b/c she was making a BIG purchase ($600) he thought she was trying to steal something or maybe was using someone else's credit card. I won't lie though....there are alot of people that come in there and use a stolen card and ish like that. But this lady was legit. It kind of pissed me off that he came over to check behind me and basically thought she was stealing. The first thing that I thought was that he was doing it b/c she was black...and it pissed me off b/c HE'S BLACK. When a white woman comes in there and makes a big purchase like that, I never see him running over checking behind the cashier and counting everything that goes in the bag. He's a jerk anyway.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Team Danielle to Victory!!

So my girl Danielle won ANTM last night. And to think someone put out that false info that Joanie was going to win. I knew my girl had it in the bag (deep down inside). I think she's going to be bigger than Eva. She may be the best one yet. I love her personality on the show. She seems fun to be around. Jade tripped me out with her snapping when she was eliminated. She's so spaced out. But at the final runway show, I think both Joanie and Danielle did a great job. Joanie really looked pretty. I would have been happy either way. But YAYY Danielle. Trust and believe she'll be on 106 & Park sometime this week (you know they only bring the black girls up there).

Has this ever happened to you? You have your friends at work, guys and girls. But you are cool or casual with a guy at work. Not really overly friendly, but you speak every time you see each other. Then the hello's spark conversation and then you realize that they are a really nice person. So when you see them you have good conversations. Nothing is coming of these conversations, but out of the blue one day you notice that they take the conversations and comments a little too far. Like it just seems like something in their wording sounded as if they were trying to be fresh. You disregard it b/c you think maybe you are reading to far into it. But as time goes on you realize that they are making comments to you that make you a little uncomfortable (ie...."you don't need to lose any weight. your body looks good to me"). And even though you ignore the comments and brush them off, you still feel a little weird talking to them. What about if they tell you that you are really attractive? How would you go about handling this situation without taking it too far?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hump Day

It's finally Wednesday and I couldn't be happier. I'm so ready for the weekend to be here. I feel like I've worked for 2 weeks straight b/c my boss is piling on the work. I seriously think she just makes up stuff to do just because. My fingers hurt from emailing people. I need some much needed R&R. I think I'll jump on the batphone in a second and call up Kiya to see if she's doing much at work, which she usually doesn't.

How about this whole week, and last week I have been late like every other day. Not on purpose, but I set my alarm for 5:00 and then I take another quick second snooze. When I wake up it's usually 5:59. Mind you, I usually leave my house at 6:00 so that I can be to work by 7:00. Well my boss doesn't come in until 8:00. Rarely does he make it in before then unless he has something on his calendar (which I usually know about in advance). But how about last week almost every time I was late he would already be in the damn office. And then when I would make it on time, his ass wouldn't be there until 8:00. I mean its not like I'm getting there at like 8:00. When I'm late its usually about 10-15 minutes.

**excuse this post, it was from yesterday

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

So I was thinking...

It seems like it takes me forever now to update my blog b/c I never have anything worthy to blog about. I don't really do much anymore between working two jobs and it just seems like nothing exciting happens to me anymore. Well, maybe nothing exciting happened before, but at least it seemed like it. Nowadays if I'm not at work, I'm usually sitting in the house watching television or sleeping. I feel like I'm 95 years old. I think I need to get out more. But all of my friends either live 9 million miles away from me in Oxon Hill, or out of the state completely. So I don't really do much but talk on the phone to them. Maybe I need a dog or something to keep me busy.

This weekend I am going to Chesapeake to visit my family and take my aunt out for her birthday. Dominic is going to come along with me since he told my aunt he was definitely going to come this time. Everytime I get to VA it seems like a whole new place to me. I never know my way around and have to ask where everything is. You would think living there for like 15 years of my life would be enough, but I have no sense of direction. I got the idea to take him to Waterside from Dena. I haven't been out there in a minute either. Too bad we aren't going out there next weekend. I think Af-Fram Fest will be taking place then. He would enjoy himself.

I'll have pictures and stories to share on Monday.

Friday, May 12, 2006

She is a mess

Now usually when I see pictures of Golden Brooks, I make a face and think to myself "She is a mess". But today I saw some pictures that actually made me crack up laughing before I said "Is she serious?!?! She's a mess". See the difference that laugh makes??

WHAT THE....???? This is laughable. I can't believe that she would actually walk out the house like this. She's a joke. And how did she make it in Hollywood? Who the hell is her stylist? Need to be fired now. And why is her makeup ALWAYS reminiscent of a clown?

She is one ugly thing!!!

And I couldn't resist talking about the biggest hypocrite ever to be known by man

How she could sit there and talk about somebody's teeth, height, hair, weight, etc. on her show amazes me (even though I LOVE IT). She aint even one cupcake away...that cupcakes has been replaced by a damn sheet cake and she is a chubby chaser. Look at that arm. And it looks so un-toned. YUCK!! Remind me not to use her as my workout inspiration.

Speaking of Top Model, I found some pics of Nik (the "should have been" winner) that came from her myspace page.

And look at Gabby and her new boo....

And guess what yall..he's from Richmond, VA. Can you believe that? I thought nothing came out of Richmond but hard wraps, long white tee's, and the Illyas (Va State thing). And I know a couple of you ladies will be happy to know that he attended (and graduated i think) from the College of William and Mary. If I would have known yall had it like that overa at W&M, I would have applied. Sheesh...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just aint my day

Yesterday I woke up a little late and my boss beat me to work. I ALMOST stopped at Krispy Kreme to get a donut since I saw the light was on, but I decided against it since I was already like 30 minutes late. Today, I told myself that I have been good this week as far as eating right and exercising. So I left home a little early so that I could stop by Krispy Kreme to get a box for the office (more like me, I'm stingy). I get all the way up in the line and realize that I don't have my purse in the car. Then I do a quick backtrack and realize that I left it on the kitchen counter in the house. DAMN!!! My mouth was all watering for a fresh Krispy Kreme and I didn't have a dime to my name. Ugggghhhh...

But I think this is good though. Thats God's way of telling me that I didn't need them. Willpower is so hard to achieve!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


How about Monday I went home sick from my job b/c I think I had a stomach virus or something. I was feeling all queasy and dizzy and I started shaking. So my boss just told me to go home b/c he didn't think that I looked well. So I called Dom and told him what was going on, he told me to go home and get some sleep and he would check on me. I got home and slept for a good amount of time (considering I left work at about 10) and then I woke up and saw Dominic had called about 4 times. I think he was all nervous and concerned b/c I told him that I threw up, and you know how guys are when they hear morning sickness. LOL. Anyway...I asked him could he call Gap and tell them I couldnt make it b/c I was too tired and weary to call. He told me it would be better if I did, so I did. I talked to one of our managers, Daniel, and told him that I was really sick and I had left work early so I wouldn't make it. Do you know what this retard told me..."make sure you bring in a dr's note". WTF???? Since when do you need a dr note from being out of work. If I wasn't so damn sick I would have cursed his ass out. I wish I would bring a dr note to a damn part-time job. I told him that I wasn't going to a dr and he told me to try and bring one. I bet when I go in there on Thursday I will have not one damn dr note in my hand. And if they have something to say about that then they can kiss my ass. I will walk right out of that joint and don't even tell nobody. I'm getting tired of this job anyway. My days are getting shorter there b/c I just can't pull myself to go to work anymore. They just get on my nerves everytime I go. And one of the managers that I dont really like asks me the other day if I even want to be there. He said it seems like I don't want to be there. I didn't even comment b/c I really don't want to be there. I started to tell him to leave me the hell alone, but I guess that would have been rude.

UGGGGHHHH...why can't I just have a rich husband so I won't have to work. Damn you Dominic

Friday, May 05, 2006


So my blogging friend Bonita prompted me to write on this topic. She just had a RIDICULOUSLY HILARIOUS blog about marriage and children. I mean, it was funny!!! But it got me to thinking about how much I think about weddings. I know what you're thinking...I'm getting that itch. But actually, I'm an asshole. Me and my friends go on and laugh at people's web pages. It's something fun to do while you're doing nothing at work. I just basically go up there and look up ghetto names and trust me, their ghetto names say it all about their relationship. One person even had a picture up there where the guy had a cigarette behind his ear and a drink in his hand, with the other hand wrapped around his girl and his middle finger up. Bet money they won't make it to the alter. Hilarious!!! I like to look at the pictures and look for people that I know. I've found many a person that I know up there. It's about as addictive as myspace.

Some of the people have really sappy pages, and then you get the ones that are funny. It's interesting seeing how people met, or how the other proposed. One girl said she met her fiancee when he touched her butt at a concert. Sexual harrassment, how romantic!!

I know I'm a nosy biotch, but hey..."it's Friday, I aint got no job (more like no work), and I aint got shit to do"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

How to lose a stalker in 10 days...

We've all had know who they are. You're out with your girls at an event and you are just having a good time. Then the crowd parts and you see this fine specimen of a man. You two catch glances and you quickly turn your gaze as to not have your eyes fall out of your head. Then he walks toward you looking debonair and with a swagger that you can't resist. And in your mind, you've already confirmed that he's getting some. So he walks up to you and flashes this smile with straight white teeth and says hello. You two exchange flirtatious small talk (name, age, where you're from, relationship status) about blah blah blah and at by the end of the night, you two are laughing it up and you give him your number. {First sign, he dials your number right then and there. His reason, so you can have his number in your phone. Real reason, he' s checking to make sure you gave him the right number.}

So you leave with your friends and everyone exchanges hookup stories of the night. You are just excited about that phone call that you are going to receive. A day or two later he calls you and you guys talk on the phone for hours. You set up a date to hook up and go out on the weekend. So all week you're thinking about what you are going to wear b/c you HAVE to get a new outfit. And you might even go as far as to meticulously groom yourself and have on your "barely there" underwear in case something pops off.

So Saturday comes around and he calls you to let you know what time he'll pick you up. He's there on time and you guys head off. The date goes great and one thing leads to another and the next thing you know, you're at his place (for a cup of coffee *wink*wink) and you two are going at it. He finally does the "do" and it's more like "doo doo". He's awful!! ("I got alot on my mind, my dog just died" for all my You So Crazy Fans) All those good looks gone to waste on that shrunk appendage. You tell him you have to go to church in the morning {Second sign, he's cuddling you like you two have just made love} knowing you aint been to church since church been to you but at this point you will tell him anything to get up out of there. He takes you home and he tries to give you a kiss, and you do, b/c you are thinking "I aint calling his ass no more".

You get in the house and he's calling to make sure you made it inside your DOOR safe. You get off the phone and thats the end of that. Or so you think...

Day 1: He calls you early Monday morning waking you up out of your slumber saying, "Hey baby...Good Morning Tooooo Youuuuu. WTF!?!? Negroe, don't you know it's 6:00 in the morning and I'm trying to sleep 10 more minutes before I get up? He tells you to have a good day at work and you tell him to do the same. At this point you're not thinking much about the situation.

Day 2: You get home from work and realize that you left your cell phone at home. You check it and see that he has called twice and left a message. You call him back to see if it was something wrong. He says he just wanted to say hi

Day 3: You're at home chillin watching television and you hear a knock on the door. don't remember expecting any company. You look out the peephole and all you see is a set of big ass white teeth smiling into the hole. You are looking all crazy b/c you just KNOW this nigga didnt' just show up at your house unannounced. You open the door with a "WTF" face and he pulls some flowers out from behind his back. Talking about "Suprise!!" You let him in, but tell him you are about to go out. So you're throwing on clothes (knowing you were in for the night) and walk with him towards the door. He tells you he missed you and to call him when you get back.

Day 4: Now this isn't actually day 4, but maybe a couple days later. This nigga had been calling you nonstop and you have been sorta iggin the calls. So he stops calling and it looks like you are homefree. So you get to work on Day 4 and you're chillin talkin to your work BFF when a delivery guy comes up and tells you that you have flowers. You get all excited wondering who it's from, not thinking about STALKER X. You see the bouquet and everyone in the office is being all nosy and wanting to know who it's from. You read the card and it says, "You complete me, I love you". {Cue horror movie music} Everyone in the office is saying " sweet" but you're more like "AHHHHHHHHHHH".

Day 5: You call him on the phone and in a nice and polite way, tell him that you are not ready to be in a relationship right now and you think that you two should just be friends. He seems to be okay with your suggestion. So it's finally over...Or not...

Day 6: He calls you nonstop. You keep pressing the END button on his ass, but that doesn't deter him. No, he just starts calling you from random numbers and you pick up the phone. First thing he says is, "You don't know how to call nobody no more". You hang up

Day 7: He shows up at your job telling people that he is your fiancee (mind you, WTF!?!?!?) All your coworkers are all worked up, especially since he so sexy. But little do they know, underneath all that sexiness is a man who is CRAZY, DERANGED. You walk him outside ever so politely as not to cause a scene at the workplace. When you get outside, you blast him for showing up at your job. You hate to be this way, but you just have to come hard with it. You tell him you don't want to be with him, there is nothing between you two. Stop calling and lose your number. He tells you that he can't live without you.

Day 8: This nigga starts calling your friends telling them that he doesn't know what happened with you two and he wants to get back together (hold up...when were we EVER together. We went on one date dude). Your friends, not knowing the extent of his craziness, tells him they will talk to you for him. Until they find out how nutty he is.

Day 9: He keeps showing up everywhere you go. You go to the gym, he's there. You go the supermarket, he's there. You go to the damn toilet, he's there. He's everywhere. By this time you are beyond pissed. You are just boiling

Day 10: You are at the club with your girls and you are talking to a guy. In walks STALKER X with his robe on with some footies and drags you out the club. You're in the car with the windows fogged out, writing in the windows "Help Me"...LMAO

okay...enough of my story

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I got this from another blog and I thought it might be interesting. I'd like to try the post-secret-blog. I'm inviting each one of you to anonymously share your secrets in the comments section and I will do the same (anonymously of couse). Any secret shared could be a regret, hope, funny experience, unseen kindness, fantasy, belief, fear, betrayal, erotic desire, feeling or confession. Feel free to reveal anything-as long as it is true. A secret that you have never shared with anyone before would make it more fun. And feel free to post more than one secret if you would like. It will be interesting wondering who posted what? AND PLEASE DON'T GO IN THE COMMENTS SECTION READING THE SECRETS IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO LEAVE A SECRET. STOP BEING SO DAMN NOSY!!

Men are crazy

LOL...I just thought I'd share this story with my handful of viewers. So when I decided to start my quest to drop 2 dress sizes for my vacation in August, the first thing I did was seek advice from friends. I got many ideas and suggestions that were helpful. Dominic told me that I needed to exercise more and change my diet. He also suggested that I cut out all those midday snacks that I usually tell him about (Krispy Kreme donuts, candy bars, etc) in favor of something healthier, like fruit. So I've been following that advice and have stayed away from my coworkers candy dish (which she refills every day) and her candy/cookie drawer. She has so many stashes its ridiculous.

Now this past Sunday Dom was on his way to my house for our ritual of Sunday night Sopranos. He called me around 8:30 to let me know he was on his way. He asked me had I cooked anything, I told him that I was cooking while we spoke and it should be ready not long after he arrived. Rewind this....i had been to the gym that afternoon and stopped by the grocery store afterwards, so I had picked up a few things for me to help in my quest for eating healthier :) Okay, back to the when he got to my house, he was moving around like a crackhead saying that he was starving. He just couldn't stand still for one second. Then he tells me "You need to have more snacks in here"

HELLO...weren't you the one that told me I need to cut back on the snacks? Uh, yeah

I know this blog made no sense, but I just thought it was funny

Monday, May 01, 2006

How Dare You...

....turn my faucet off in the bathroom. I know I was wasting water letting it run while getting a paper towel. So what!?!?

....take my clothes out the washer/dryer without me being there. Matter of fact, don't take them out at all. I don't care if they have been sitting in there an hour.

....pass your work off on me. I don't get your salary, so unless you are coughing up an extra $25 per hour, you might want to learn how to use those skills listed on your highly exaggerated resume.

....cut in front of me in a line when I've been waiting for longer than 10 minutes. I'm hungry too!

....keep me on hold longer than a minute. I'm liable to hang up on you. I can't stand the silence.

....bring children under the age of 10 to the movie theater to see an adult movie. And you need to be smacked bringing a baby in ANY movie. Can't even watch the damn movie in peace cause all I hear is silly ass gurgling baby noises.

(to be cont.)