Tuesday, May 16, 2006

So I was thinking...

It seems like it takes me forever now to update my blog b/c I never have anything worthy to blog about. I don't really do much anymore between working two jobs and it just seems like nothing exciting happens to me anymore. Well, maybe nothing exciting happened before, but at least it seemed like it. Nowadays if I'm not at work, I'm usually sitting in the house watching television or sleeping. I feel like I'm 95 years old. I think I need to get out more. But all of my friends either live 9 million miles away from me in Oxon Hill, or out of the state completely. So I don't really do much but talk on the phone to them. Maybe I need a dog or something to keep me busy.

This weekend I am going to Chesapeake to visit my family and take my aunt out for her birthday. Dominic is going to come along with me since he told my aunt he was definitely going to come this time. Everytime I get to VA it seems like a whole new place to me. I never know my way around and have to ask where everything is. You would think living there for like 15 years of my life would be enough, but I have no sense of direction. I got the idea to take him to Waterside from Dena. I haven't been out there in a minute either. Too bad we aren't going out there next weekend. I think Af-Fram Fest will be taking place then. He would enjoy himself.

I'll have pictures and stories to share on Monday.


At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Fried crabs for me! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Don't forget!


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