Monday, January 30, 2006

Baby boom

Did I mention that I love Heidi Klum. I think she is adorable and she was such a pretty pregger. And I love her and Seal together. They seem so in love. Although I dont think he is attractive at all, but I'm pretty sure he makes up for it in personality and he probably treats her like a Queen. So when she had the little one, FINALLY, I was so excited to see a pic of him. This is what I got

Not that cutest picture in the world of him, but I knew he was going to grow out of that ugly phase b/c his mom is gorgeous. I'm so happy to say I was right.

He's such a cutie pie!!!!

Oh, by the way...Mr "Ice Grill" and his newlywed wife are expecting a child. Not that anybody cared, but just thought I would inform you

Two things that I was SHOCKED to see, DRUMROLL PLEASE..................

Brittany and Kevin looking like they took a shower and Nicole Ritchie ACTUALLY putting food in her mouth

And last in my post is the man I dream about at night...No, not Dominic...this is my future husband and I'm dead a$$ serious. He is just so sexy w/ his smooth dark skin and pearly white teeth. And that body....WHEW!!!

This is my future baby daddy!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Weekly gossip

This morning I was informed by my good friend Sonnyswife about a voicemail that has been circulating on the radio stations. Its apparently of Lou Rawls young widow Nina Rawls, leaving a INSANE message to his daughter from his first marriage, Louanna Rawls. First of all, I found the voicemail offending and I was upset like it was me that she left it for. In it she basically talks about how Lou was dumb enough not to sound a pre-nup so everything was hers and the daughter would be getting nothing. Apparently they don't like each other too much and have been going back and forth. It's been reported that last year around September, Nina took a huge amount of money out of Lou Rawls bank account and deposited it somewhere. She insisted that she did it for his benefit. At any rate, I found the voicemail...CLICK HERE
To read more on the feud, check out Euroweb.

It seems that we have another video vixen/super hoe. Nas's baby momma is coming out with a tell-all book called "Sex, Drugs and Hip-Hop - Oh, and Did I Mention Love?" Its slated to be released sometime soon. In it she talks about her alleged affairs with Jay Z and Allen Iverson, as well as her long-term relationship with former boyfriend, Nas. From an article at, she states the following:

"We had an argument and he was like, ‘I'm a king, Carm. Do you know how many girls would love to be in your shoes right now?’ That was his favorite line. I never had to deal with lots of groupies calling me, but I heard things. I asked Nas about some of them. Way after we kind of broke up, I asked him about Lil' Kim, Eve, Mary J. Blige. The only one Nas ever admitted to dating was Mary.”
When asked about the alleged Jay-Z affair, she said: “I was so in love with Nas at the very beginning, I couldn't even look at another man. But it began to fade. I guess I really took notice to it when I took Jay-Z's phone number.”

I don't know about you, but I'm a little anxious to buy this book. Even though I know it's probably a little exaggerated like Superhead's book, but it's still fun to get the down low on celebrities. It just lets me know that their human like me :)

I just talked about her and her badonka, and she has made it back on my blog again. This time for a Fashion No-No.

Thats entirely too much crack showing. And in the words of "Whiggy Houston", CRACK IS WHACK.

I was reading an article on Da Brat on and this is what she had to say about a her preference in men. Click here. ...............................Then I see this picture. WTF?!?!

The guy she is kissing is David Gest, Liza Minelli's ex-husband.

Hatin on me

I know that I usually blog on entertainment, but today I felt compelled to blog about me. I'm going to hate on myself today.

First off, I made a doctors visit yesterday and was appalled by my current weight. I mean, I'm not EVEN going to get into how much I weigh, but just know that it is a far cry from my college days. I'm not saying I'm BIG Luther, but you can call me LIL Luther....Now, I find myself becoming like one of those people that I used to laugh and joke about in college. You know, the old heads you used to see come back for Homecoming and they always put on a few pounds and looked totally different. You know what you used to say, "Damn she blew up". I refuse to be one of those people.

I'm so not used to this weight. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that when I go in the store I can no longer find my size. And don't let me go in the store w/ ANY of my friends b/c all their asses are a buck o five. And then those skinny bitches always want to give you moral support. "You're not THAT big". What the hell is THAT big? What does THAT refer to? Things that make you go hmmmm....

I was always small in high school and for most of high school I didn't have any shape. Then around maybe junior or senior year I started to fill out more in the derierre. By college I gained that freshman 15 but it went to all the right places. So I thought I was a brickhouse!! Now, I'm just a damn house...LOL.

So, I've officially started a semi-diet and workout plan. I've committed to losing at least 20 lbs before the summer gets here and I have a couple of friends in tow who are being supportive and doing the same. I'll keep you posted on what happens.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Weekly gossip

Am I the only one that thinks that Ciara is the most overrated R&B artists of 2005? Okay, granted the girl can dance her ass off, but she can't carry a note, she can't dance and sing at the same time, and she has man feet. And she is killing me with all of the Janet "Rhythm Nation" outfits and hair. Its's just not cute and I wish she would go away.

And since she's been linked to Bow Wow, let me get on him as well. Now as my friend "Sonnyswife" knows, I don't like Bow Wow now that he is trying to portray this street image. From the girls to the grills, he is just trying too hard in my opinion. And its been reported that he has started a couple of beefs with several people. I remember in particular one with 50 cent (right, like he'd win that one), Mario, and his latest one...Will Smith

According to article in XXL magazine, this is what he had to say

XXL: “you had a pretty good year. You did the acting and music thing pretty big. Are you tryna be the next Will Smith?”
Bow Wow: “….he did his little rap thing first. But to me honestly, Will wasn’t like a real rapper. He was more like a gimmick. Then he zapped into get a TV show, and it was poppin. Then after that he was in Hollywood. So things with came easy for him. With me, I’m a rapper. I ain’t with the whole colorful cornball-type things. That’s just not my style..”

Who in the hell does he think he is? His little pint sized ass needs to shut his face. He is just barely out of puberty, but yet has the nerve to beef with Will Smith. First of all, if you gonna beef with someone, try someone who actually is worth beefin with. Not that Will isn't, but he's in no way considered hardcore. Thats like me beefin with Dora the Explorer. Just doesn't make sense, right? And anyway...who would ever consider this hardcore..

I'm going to need for Serena to never ever incorporate white spandex in her wardrobe again. Is it just me, or does she look like the back end of a horse in the second picture. Look at the way her legs are posisitoned. She looks like a clydesdale!!

When is enough enough? Vivica Fox is starting to look like a plastic doll, and not a cute one, might I add. She has had too much reconstructive work done on her face. The laest addition, those big ass lips. And her kitchen ass (

Now I know I usually hate, but I can't do that on this particular pic. All I'm going to say is I don't like to talk about people's kids...LOL. No seriously, Syrai is actually turning out to be cuter than what I expected. Considering her father is Magilla Gorilla, and her mother has an alien forehead/hairline, the future wasn't looking to bright for her

Still has a little way to go though...LOL

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Harlem World

Camron vs. JayZ

Camron has just dropped a JayZ diss track called "You Got To Love It". In the record he talks about how Jay Z stole Rocafella, Rocawear, and artists from Dame Dash who was supposed to be his friend. He also makes comments towards Beyonce (I was just waiting for that to happen) and the funniest part is he talks about Jay Z's dress style. Listen for yourself

Murda Mase

Aww Hell to the Naww...I've had a discussion w/ one of my friends that is a member of Rev. Mason Betha's church and she broke down in the church's view why he went back to the rap game. Now although I didn't particularly agree w/ that answer, I totally respect her opinion and her faith. So in saying that, I chose to let alot of stuff that I've seen or heard him doing slide. But I just can't let this slide

Now I aint one to throw stones or judge b/c I'm not perfect by any means and I still have things to do to get right w/ God, but this nigga is going to HELL.

Bump, Bump, Bump

I will be the first to admit that I was a closet (ok maybe open) B2K fan. I thought they were a very talented group. But then they took a turn for the worst and broke every teenage (and adult) girls heart and pulled a "Destiny's Children" move and went their separate ways due to "management conflicts". We all know that Omarion was the star of the group and the rest of them were merely over-paid background dancers, but we still gave them the benefit of the doubt. Now I don't know if some of the dropped members are having a hard time getting back in the industry, but what the hell is this...

He looks a H.A.M and someone needs to do an intervention w/ him quick.

And speaking of Destiny's Children...check out this ol school video of Bee and the former friend LaTavia

Even back then she was taking all the spotlight.


I love Brandy but she is honestly starting to get on my nerves early in 2006. Ever since her ex husband leaked that they were never really married and then she tried to go on and say that they had a spiritual connection, I've just thought that she is an airhead. I mean, who leaves the public to believe that you had an actual legal marriage when you two were only shacking up. If you had a child out of wedlock, BIG FREAKIN DEAL. It's 2006, we have far more problems to worry about than who you had a baby w/ and if you got married. I just thought that was a really stupid move. Did she think it was never going to get out?

Then she goes and gets another fiancee in like 2 months and drives him insane to the point that he breaks off the engagement. But not before she gets a tattoo on her back of his face. And I'm not talking about a small picture, I'm talking about a full out portrait. Then they break up and she turns it into a cat. She's just and idiot. I really feel bad for her. She can't keep a man

Besides all that, she has a really big a$$ head..LOL

Hoodrat Status

Doesn't Remy Ma just look dirty to you? I know she is from NY and is a female rapper so she wants to be hard, but must she look like she stinks? (from

Friday, January 13, 2006

Ms. Jackson if you nasty...

Janet Jackson has been vigorously trying to lose a few lbs since she's been photographed by the media and portrayed as gaining like 100 lbs (total exaggeration). I'm really dissapointed in Janet I must say. She is supposed to be inspiration for us all. She had a perfect body. She was really toned but still had "black girl" curves. When I look at pictures of her now, I don't even recognize her. She has been dipping in that Krispy Kreme box a little bit too much.

I'm rooting for you Janet!!!


Well it seems that Karrine "Supahead" Steffans and her boyfriend of a few months Bill Maher have called it quits. I mean really...did anyone else think this relationship would last longer than 6 months? I know I didn't. First off, she is a hoe...and everyone knows you can't turn a hoe into a housewife. And although I did buy the book and I did enjoy it, it just proved to me that not only is she a hoe, but she is a clever hoe. She knew just how to market her life to the media and the consumers. She knew that by revealing names in her book she would get the most exposure. And I honestly say I can't blame her for that. It was a smart business move. But I can't believe that all of the stories that she told in her book are true. There's not doubt in my mind that she fabricated stories to suit her taste. And personally, I don't think she is all that great looking. I honestly think she is a bama. She always has some jacked up weave, for her to have been messing w/ ballers, she never dresses the part, and she's just a bama. I mean come on...who still takes pictures like this...

A mess

As I was getting my quick fix of gossip on, I came across this picture of Star and Al that I thought was quite hilarious. It seems that they took a family portrait to put on their website and got someone to photoshop it a little (to get the extra skin from Star's body out of the pictur), but it seems he went a little photoshop crazy and this is the result

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Crack is wack

Okay...I know it's been a couple of days since I've posted, but I've come back w/ some more hate for you.

It seems that "Madame Butterfly" was enjoying that wonderful weather on the island of St. Barts recently. Now I enjoy fun in the sun just like the next man, but must she make a fool of herself posing like she is doing a "Black Tail" photospread!

I will admit, I'm no size 2 myself, but Mariah is a little on the chunky side and she is far from toned. So me being the hater that I am...I give this a downgrade.

Your favorite "Black Love" couple could be back on that stuff. Or maybe they never got off that stuff. Regardless of the fact, my girl Whitney was lookin GOOD at the BET Anniversary show. She had that wig right, she beat that brick, and her outfit was cute. Aside from the fact that her voice cracked a little while trying to sing a snippet of Luther, she was on point.

So all I want to know is..........what happened?!?!?

The National Enquirer reports that the once stunning Grammy winner was photographed at an Atlanta gas station at 4 am on morning last month, looking disheveled and bizarre in pajama bottoms, a $50,000 fur coat and a messy wig (probably the same wig she wore on Being Bobby Brown). The supermarket tab says Whitney's voice is shot from years of cocaine abuse and she and her hubby are running out of money.

What do you guys think? I think she is officially the spokesperson for A.D.D (A Damn Disgrace)

My favorite movie in college was Money Talks. I mean, when I say favorite, I mean FAVORITE. I used to play it every damn day about 2 times a day and then I had to fall asleep to it (which my roommate hated). I know every single word in the movie. I mean, it was funny as hell, and it didn't hurt that Chris Tucker was "a sweet sexy thang". Lately though, he's been blowing up and actin a fool. First, he gets busted in a high speed chase with the law, then he asks for $20mil for Rush Hour 3, and now he's starting to look like a H.A.M. When did he get so big?

*secretly, he still can get it :)

UGGGHHH....I HATE THIS TRICK!! I can't stand Star Jones for so many reason. 1 being that she is pretentious and 2 being that she is ugly. She really reminds me of a bug. And all that weight that she has lost doesnt look good on her. She now favors a bobble-head.

She now adds author to her many list of accomplishments (HA). How in the hell are you going to write a book about finding true love, when you're married to a fairy? The book, which is entitled, Shine: A Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Journey to Finding Love, is a bunch of crap. Here are a couple excerps from People magazine :

" At a party on Nov. 13, 2003, a man took my arm and said, "You're not just going to pass me by." This man with skin the color of cooked butter, the most beautiful lips and the deepest brown eyes on the planet continued, "I saw you once at a party five years ago and was too hesitant to approach you, but I'm braver this time." I was charmed out of my wits. I looked into those chocolate eyes, and I literally heard a bell ring – just like my mother said it would.. "

This sounds like a fake a$$ romance novel to me. Ohh, but here's the kicker:

" Al and I were really tested during our engagement period. One day we would read in the press that Al was out gallivanting with a bunch of women. The next day, we'd read a story questioning his sexuality. I remember my husband saying to me, "Baby, what am I today?" And me answering, "Just who you were yesterday, baby." The attacks on the nature of our relationships never bothered me because I knew this man. Al would give me strength, and I'd give him strength, and we prayed every morning and every evening. And we still do. I was madly in love. The first time he held me in his arms sexually, it was almost frightening because we knew our erotic interest in each other could take over every other thing. "

" About a week later, in bed, I said to him, 'Honey, you have on your T-shirt - are you cold?' And he, whom most people consider to have one of the most gorgeous bodies on the planet - those shoulders - answered me by saying, 'I just don't look as good naked as you do. "

First of all, I don't even want to imagine Al naked. I bet he is all pale and pasty w/that frail body, and he probably gets a bikini wax. GROSS!!

Friday, January 06, 2006


Hello everyone and welcome to "Share My Hate". I'm new to this, so give me a little time and I'll have this thing up and running. As you can see from the title, this site is all about HATE. And who better to tell you about hate than then me. I'm the "Ultimate Hater" and noone is exempt, especially celebrities. I am what you may call a FANatic of celebrity news and I just can't keep my nose out of their business. So if you're down to hate with me, enjoy the blog!!