Monday, February 06, 2006

Part time Blues

Well, I was planning on posting some more of my weekly hate on celebrities, but blogger is having technical difficulties posting pics. So I guess I'll hate on me again.
I had a very uneventful weekend. First of all, I was having issues w/ my boyfriend which basically just started the weekend off wrong. We eventually got it together before he went out of town on Saturday, but by then I wanted to do the whole "makeup/all up under each other thing" but I was left to stick it out by myself. So I had nothing better to do w/ the nasty weather, but go to my pt job. Let me just tell you about this job. I HATE IT. If it wasn't for the discount, I would be out of there. First of all, I have a manager there that basically wants me to knock the ish out of him. He is a black guy, which in my opinion is even worse b/c sometimes the "coloreds" are the worst people to work for. First off, they feel they have something to prove from their caucasion counterparts, and then they think they are better than you. This guy in particular urks me to the point where I once had to tell him off. Let me throw an example out. We were working one day (mind you, I had just started working there for the holidays so I wasn't too knowledgeable on how things worked) and I asked him a question dealing w/ a pair of jeans that I was helping a customer with. He looked at me for a second and then said, "I mean you have a college degree don't you. You're a smart girl, you can figure it out". I looked at him and the nigger was about to come out of me for a second. But instead I smiled and said, "I don't like where this conversation is going, so I'm going to walk away before I say something that I won't regret". Since that incident I've had a little grudge against him so I rarely speak more than two words to him. All the while, I've heard some of the ignorant ish he's had to say. Like the fact that he goes around telling people how much money he makes, and that he's a producer and is about to make songs for certain celebrities, and how he can't wait until he blows up as an artist so that he can be in his videos with his bling. But yet and still, he has this arrogance about him that makes him stick his nose up at you. I just want to tell him, Nigga, you are a manager at the Gap. And it's not like you're district manager, you're not even store manager. You're just an associate manager. Get Over Yourself!!!! I don't need this job. You're the one working 100 hours a week and still probably dont' bring home any money. Lean wit it please!!!!!


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